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Naturopathic Health and Nutrition Consultations

Ally van de Pol

Whatever your health goals are, these sessions can help you. They typically help people with the following conditions:

-Weight management/ loss


-Cardiovascular conditions


-Emotional eating

-Anxiety and depression

-Emotional conditions

-Sleep issues

-Digestive issues; constipation, diarrhoea, bloating

-Hormonal issues inc menopause

-Aches and pains, fatigue

-Arthritis and rheumatic conditions


-Thyroid conditions

-Recurrent acute conditions such as colds, flu, catarrh, sore throat, enlarged tonsils

I take a Naturopathic and holistic approach to each individual covering physical, mental, emotional and sometime spiritual health, without side effect inducing pharmaceutical drugs, that don't cure the underlying issue.

The Initial Consultation Consists of:

  • -Health questionnaire completion by you

  • -Food diary completion by you

  • 2 hour consultation (together) including body comp measurement, BP, iridology photos, deep dive into health concerns, practical solutions including discussion of your goals and how to achieve

  • Follow up by me which includes notes from meeting, iridology analysis, month plan plus broader treatment overview. Also includes tools, tips, naturopathic protocols, supplementary info and recipes as required

  • Recommendations for herbal formula, which I import and stock, to support and nourish the tissues and organs that need it most

  • You go away and implement plan

  • We arrange follow up schedule depending upon your needs (can be on they or weekly. Suggest minimum three -six months of initial contact

  • Follow up sessions are normal follow up (1 hr) or quick catch up (30 mins)

What is Iridology?

Iridology is the practice, study and art of analysing the iris. Each eye is connected to our brain which is then attached to each tissue, organ and system in the body by our neural network. Tissue changes are reflected reflexively in the iris structure, just as in reflexology for the feet.

It cannot diagnose diseases per se, but it can show tissue conditions (and strengths!) which can then indicate diseases for further investigation. It is especially useful to discover the root cause of a particular condition and can show how well systems are working together. It can also show differences in the function in lobes or sides of the body ie with the thyroid, lungs, kidney etc.

As an iridologist I have a good working knowledge of the body's functions and ways to improve health naturally and naturopathically.

If you’d like to book an appointment, or would like further information, please drop me a line:

or visit website

Ally is a Certified Healing Diets Coach, Certified Iridology Consultant, Health & Wellness Coach, Herbalist (graduating 2022), Naturopath (graduating (2023), Certified Personal Trainer, Pain-Free Perfomance Specialist, Senior Exercise Specialist, First Aid and CPR Certified.

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