What Is HNF?
A life -changing twelve week foundational ‘course’ incorporating the fundamentals of health, nutrition, and fitness. It’s designed to give you more energy and enable you to become healthier and happier, addressing physical, mental and emotional health.
Who is This Course For?
This course could help you if you experience one or more of these issues:
you have low energy or fatigue, or just plain tired most of the time
you have aches and pains
you are carrying excess weight
you have a chronic health condition(s)
you don’t sleep well
you have digestive issues
you have skin concerns
you are experiencing peri or menopausal symptoms
you have hormonal issues and/ or menstrual issues
you have diabetes type 2 or are pre-diabetic
you have high blood pressure
you feel weak and unfit
you have mobility issues
you feel anxious or stressed
you feel sad, teary or depressed some (or all) of the time
you suffer from self confidence issues
you emotionally eat

Or perhaps, you’d just like to be in the best possible physical shape, to have energy, to be happy and know that you have lots of tools available to keep you in lifelong health?
What Does The Course Look like?
If this sounds like you, and you are keen to make changes, over the twelve weeks we:
Coach 24 x 1 hr personal training sessions, focusing on strength training.
Hold 3 x coaching sessions (4 hrs in total), with notes, tools and tips provided as required. These sessions focus on nutrition education and coaching, iridology and lifestyle medicine. A plan (based upon your goals) and recommendations are provided, incorporating optimal nourishment coaching, lifestyle management for optimal health, herbal medicine recommendations and other naturopathic interventions.
Ongoing nutrition coaching via app.
Provision of at home/ gym workout or exercise plan as required.
One consistent coach across all disciplines who is your own professional cheerleader and coach to set you up for success and help you achieve your goals.
All sessions conducted in the gorgeous “Glass House’ in Sai Kung. A real retreat from your everyday life.

What You Can Expect After Twelve Weeks
You will feel better, happier and healthier
You will be leaner and stronger, more mobile and more stable
You will sleep better
You will gain new skills and confidence
Health conditions will disappear or reduce in severity
You will gain knowledge regarding the best food to nourish you and how to eat for health for the rest of your life
You know what to fill your ‘naturopathic toolbox’ with, learning how to keep yourself healthier for life

Total Investment in Your Health and Fitness:
Special offer until end Dec'24: HK$25,000
Or pay monthly x 3 instalments HK$9,000

Your Coach, Ally van de Pol is:
NASM -CPT Personal Trainer
PPSC- Level 2- Pain-Free Performance Specialist
PPSC- Pain-Free Knee Specialist
AAHF Senior Fitness Specialist
SNM-Certified Naturopath
SNM-Certied Herbal Medicine Therapist
SNM- Certified Healing Diets Coach
SNM- Certified Iridology Consultant
AAHF- Certified Health & Wellness Coach
First Aid and CPR Certified