How are you feeling at the moment? Are you stressed? Calm? Anxious? Relaxed?
How would you compare your mental health over the last year as per previous years?
I’d say that most people’s stress levels are pretty high these days. Many people find it difficult to relax, many people are resorting more to alcohol or finding other ways to manage our stress.

What this stress and anxiety is doing to our physical health in the medium to long term for adults and children alike, I only dread to think.
I don’t think that our stress and fear is about to change anytime soon. I really feel it will get worse before it gets better.
During these difficult times, please find a way to keep your sanity. Get creative; draw, paint, write, cook etc. I love to get outside in nature and exercise; running, hiking, walking and just sitting. Reading, getting a massage, getting out and about-whatever floats your boat. All these occupations take our mind away from the current subject of concern, whatever that may be. Get together with likeminded friendly people; be they friends or family- have fun.
Meditating, trying to keep living in the present moment, getting enough rest and sleep, eating well, keeping your body moving will all help to keep our physical health which will in turn keep your mental health.
If you are not feeling well, be it physically or mentally, seek professional help from a holistic practitioner; your body is a whole being entity after all. Look after yourself, so that you can look after anybody else who may be suffering around you.
Try and take back control. Do your research into what is really going on today and why; do some critical thinking. You may be surprised by what you find.
Take care everyone in these difficult times.