"I started training with Ally in September last year. I started by joining a group class, but later added personal training to my routine. I was already quite fit when I joined Ally, but felt that I wanted to challenge myself a bit more. I never gave much thought to doing weights, but Ally encouraged me to give it a try. I was immediately a convert and an addict. I was surprised by how much stronger I could build my body, but more importantly, my mind. I remember the first time Ally asked me to do a handstand, my immediate response was: "No, I can't do it, I've never done one!" That day, I did my first handstand and I was blown away.
Being a mother of two very, very young children can be trying, tiring and it feels like you're on an emotional rollercoaster all the time. Ally helped me with my diet, addressing post birth hormonal changes and put together a fitness plan that has really helped me achieve my fitness goals. I'm eager to try new things, and feel that I am stronger than I ever was.
The mental boost has been a tremendous plus for me. There are some days I drive up that windy road to her basement gym feeling defeated or that motherhood is just about all I can bear (neither of my kids 2 and 4 sleep through the night!), but I always walk out of her gym renewed, invigorated and ready to face whatever comes my way. Ally is not just about fitness, but her wholistic approach is what sets her apart.
Jolene Otremba (March 2017)