“I’m Jack Dalgleish, I’m 17 and I’m a student.
I wanted to work with a trainer to continue what had been very basic training at school with high-quality input, advice and planning. I've previously struggled with maintaining a good and balanced diet along with not having very much strength to begin with. My biggest concern was that the sessions would be military and nonstop, only partially true! (Ha!)
I am now motivated to get healthier and since working out with Ally my strength, mobility, motivation, diet and overall health have increased by leaps and bounds. I can finally say that not only am I pleased with my strength but my health overall has improved greatly. I've hit nearly 100kg one rep squats from probably less than 60kg a year and a half ago at 77kg bodyweight. With Ally's help I've began practising weightlifting techniques such as clean and jerks, snatches etc. My form is great now and I get compliments for it nearly every time I go to the gym."
Jack Dalgleish (January 2020)