"I’m a stay at home Mum, I’m 53 and I wanted to start training to become fitter, healthier and take better care of myself. I also knew I had a lack of motivation and knowledge of where to start. I was also worried that I had left it too late in life to be able to lift weights and get stronger.
Meeting Ally put my mind at rest and what was achievable for me. From the start, I found Ally to be motivational and very friendly but firm when I needed to be pushed (which was and still is often!). Now, I am no longer afraid of exercise or to try new exercises.
Here are my achievements to date:
I am now so much more knowledgable about nutrition and how important it
is for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and staying fit.
I am feeling healthier and stronger than I have been for a very long time.
I am no longer eating meat.
In the future I want to continue on my fitness journey, learning from someone who is truly inspirational. Ally is very knowledgeable on all aspects of fitness and has an invaluable understanding of nutrition and how it impacts our general health. From being someone who was afraid of using the gym, I now look forward to my weekly sessions (most of the time) with Ally.
Best coach ever!"
Cerys, January 2020